Here are some of my projects:

Project Space

Project Space

A website designed for users interested in astronomy: user can sign up and get access to asking and posting questions, without sign up user has read-only access, but can still go through all the available sections. Stack and Libraries used: Ruby || Ruby on Rails || Javascript - Three.js (planets section) || HTML5 || CSS3 || REST API from NASA (see picture of the day)

Tic Tac Toe

Tic Tac Toe

A simple Tic Tac Toe for 2 players game. Stack and Libraries used : JQuery || HTML5 || CSS3 || Animate.css

Facemood App

Facemood App

The App recognises users face and plays music based on the chosen mood, projecting it on Raspberry pi. It also uses the users voice to change the background colour of the app. Stack and Libraries used : Ruby on Rails - Back-end || React - Front-end || Webpack || Axios || Musicbox - software allowing to listen to music on Raspberry pi || Mopidy - HTTP server allowing to stream music on Raspberry pi || Web Speech API - built in browser speech recognition and synthesis API || Raspberry Pi. __*Unfortunately the API used for this project became unavailable, plus would love to rewrite React part with Hooks. I am reworking this project at the moment* __🛠🎨. You can still watch demo video to see how it works.

Fun cards

Fun cards

A small memory game - fun cards with animals. Stack and Libraries used : Bootstrap 4 || HTML5 || CSS3

Small react projects

Small react projects

Small react projects contains 2 tools : 1. Color picker allows to see the palette or different tints and shadesfor the chosen color. || 2. Markdown generator - a live preview of the text typed in markdown format. Stack and Libraries used : React.js || HTML5 || CSS modules || NPM - react-router-dom package || NPM - react-markdown package

Team Task Planner

Team Task Planner

Task planner - group project created during Generation Australia bootcamp. I collaborated with 2 team members. Stack and Libraries used: Javascript || Bootstrap4 || CSS3 || HTML5 || NPM - parcel || NPM - testing library jest

Some other projects that are in progress :

©2021 nastyadev

built with Gatsby